We take BPI-certified compostable materials at our facility. Utilize the database below to see if your cup, plate, bowl, or other service ware is BPI certified!
Chauncey, The Plains, Nelsonville, and surrounding areas.
Food Waste is mixed, collected, and brought to AHRC's compost facility at 5991 Industrial Drive, Athens, Ohio. It is mixed with other woody (wood chips) and non-woody (leaves, grass clippings) organic matter until a certain volume is reached. Once the desired volume (40-60 cubic yards) is reached, the mix is put in a bin for the first stage of the process (see bins in the background of the picture at the top of this page). After one month, it is turned by placing it in the next bin. This turning introduces more oxygen and assures proper mixing of the material. After another month in the second bin, the materials are ready to be removed from the bin and are ready for screening (see Instagram video). Both bins have a blower system which also helps aerate the materials. Once the organic material is screened to remove larger size pieces, it can be sold as a soil amendment or combined with other materials to create different soil mixtures for various purposes.
This service is currently only available in the City of Athens, The Plains, Nelsonville, and Chauncey. If you live in or close to these areas (or you business is ) fill out the form below.
Residences and businesses can sign up for compost material collection. Please refer to the service levels described to the left.
AHRC provides 5-gallon and 35-gallon containers to collect food waste for residential and commercial customers, where we collect the material from your location each week.
We also offer a drop-off location at AHRC's compost facility at 5991 Industrial Drive.
Drop-Off at 5991 Industrial Drive, Athens Ohio